HTML Character Spinning: So What's This All About?


HTML character-spinning turns a simple text-file into an instant hyper-spun document; helping avoid duplicate content penalties and issues from the search-engines when submitting link-building content.

The concept of replacing individual characters with non-standard HTML equivalents has been around for a while in the 'inner circle' of online-marketing. We've been using it for years ourselves, and the results are astounding; with much higher indexing rates being achieved...

What Does It Look Like?

Look at these two text blocks:

They both look exactly the same don't they? Yet the second block is completely different to the first...

The top block is just standard text, and looks the same to the search-engines as it does to you.

The second block looks like this to a search-engine spider:

Character-ѕpіnnіng turns a simple tехt-file into an instant hyрег-spun document; helріng avoid duplicate соntеnt penalties and iѕѕuеѕ. The соncept оf rеplaсing inԁіvіԁual characters wіth nоn-standard HTML equіѵalents has beеn around for a while іn the 'inneг circle' of onlіnе-mаrketіng. We've been using it for yеаrs ourselves, аnԁ the results arе аѕtounԁіng; with much higher іnԁexіng rates beіng achieved. Thiѕ incredibly powerful technіquе takеs any written соntent and sрins it at thе letter-levеl, еithег outputting single рublіѕhing-ready versions, оr a spintax-embeԁԁеԁ maѕter version - suitаble for dropping іnto auto-submission ѕуѕtems; аnԁ that's whеre thе REAL pоweг of thіs method comes in. You can cоntrоl the woгd replacement frequency аnԁ define protected wогdѕ, ѕо that keyword-rich contеnt remains un-touchеd, to help with both Ѕeаrсh Engine сгawlіng and аnalysis.

...You will see that many of the letters have been replaced with a '&#xxxx;' code. This is an HTML character format that, when placed into your HTML code or content, will appear as a normal character to the viewer, but will not be recognised as that letter by the search engines. About 60-70% of the words are unchanged (in this example - but that's configurable in our Char-Spinner) so they can still understand the context (and your keyword-rich content should be 'protected' as well - so it always remain readable,) but it will pass a duplicate content or 'Copyscape' check - as it's completely different from an internal syntax perspective.

How Does The Technique & Your Creation Tool Work?

This incredibly powerful system takes any written content and spins it at the letter-level, (although many character spinners spin at word-level - we'll discuss this important distinction below,) either outputting single publishing-ready versions, or a spintax-embedded master version - suitable for dropping into auto-submission systems; and that's where the REAL power of this method comes in.

Some systems use 'stop' word spinning - so they only spin 'unimportant' words - which can usually be defined through a seperate file. Our system allows you to simply define 'protected' words, so that keyword-rich content remains un-touched, to help with both Search Engine crawling and analysis.

We give you two output options:

  1. The 'Embed {Spintax}' output is a full {braces} 'spintax' version to be used in spinning-submission systems, so that EACH & EVERY output is different and original - EVERY TIME.
  2. The 'Ready-To-Go' output is just that: A version ready for immediate use on a web-page or as a submission, with no spinning required.

Both options provide you with 2 different output versions: A HTML code view - as in the 3rd example block above, and a display version - as in the 2nd block above. (You provide the text from the 1st block.)

You can use this HTML code view output 'as-is' in most HTML editors or submission software. The second output, below it, will show you what it looks like from the viewers perspective. This second version may also be accepted by some submission systems, but many will require the top 'coded' version to avoid any HTML 'translation' mistakes.

Your output will be spun for each letter that has an available alternative HTML extended character code, other than the standard ASCII value. Some letters have more than one, but around half of lower case letters don't have an alternative. Upper & lower case are treated separately.

We 'literally' spin at letter-level - not word-level, which allows for many more permutations of each word - and thus further obfuscation...

What do we mean by this? Well, if you spin a word as {submission|submission} - where the second word is all character-spun, and the first word is standard text - then you get 2 possible permutations/possibilities of that word. If you spin it as {s|ѕ}ubm{i|і}{s|ѕ}{s|ѕ}{i|і}{o|о}n - where the second letter in each case is char-spun, then you get 2^6 permuations - or 64... A LOT more. (In this example, the letters u,b,m & n do not have html-spin variants.) This massively and factorially increases the uniqueness of each output.

You may also use existing {spintax|spun text} in our software; it will ignore it and leave it in place - simply adding more nested spintax in the 'Embed' mode for the HTML character encoding... But you mustn't use any embedded <HTML> tags etc. as it will spin all lower and upper case letters, irrespective of <tags>. Only enter raw text. You can use our 'Text Cleaner' first if your content may contain junk/illegal/word-processing characters etc. Plus: Our Text Cleaner reverses the char-spinning process - so you can get content 'back' into it's original format when required.

You can change the word replacement frequency between 1-9, to affect the percentage of content that is spun, but this is only a guide. Since all letters are not spinable, some smaller words cannot be spun. Where this happens, the software will immediately move onto the next word. The software will randomly change the frequency/gap up to a maximum of the number you select, but the overall average will be lower - as it uses this number as a maximum, not an average. It is generally wise to keep it at 4, as 4-word 'quanta' is what Copyscape keys off of. This will normally 'spin' about 35-40% of the content on average, yielding 60%+ of the content (plus protected keywords) as search-engine readable - so they can 'understand' the page's context.

You will enter 'protected' words that you do NOT want spun as a comma-delimited list. This will ensure that these words remain 'readable' by the search-engines. You can also use this function to protect any special tag/marker words you want to keep. Remember that pluralised and extended words etc. are not the same as the root/original, so if you want 'diet', 'dieting', & 'diets', then you need to enter them ALL - not just 'diet'.

And IMPORTANTLY: Do NOT character-spin your main titles - especially if the content is being submitted to web 2.0 and article type sites...

Your title usually becomes the title-meta-tag for the page, and is also often embedded in the URL and used as the <h1> header tags. You want this to be completely readable at all times. If you character-spin even the 'stop' or 'filler' words, then you're effectively increasing the keyword density of this title, by making the other words 'nonsense' (from the crawling perspective.) This could mean you end up with all your spun titles effectively reduced to very similar keyword themes - which is not a good idea since Google's recent Panda updates.